Family Bible Time: Jesus Raised Lazarus — John 11

October 7th | Unit 25, Lesson 4

Family Bible Time Connections

Unit 25 Lesson 4

Read all or parts of John 11:1-44

Talk About Scripture

Can you imagine what Mary, Martha, and all the others were thinking when Jesus went to the tomb of Lazarus and said, “Remove the stone”? Lazarus had been dead four days! Everyone thought Jesus had come too late to help, but Jesus has power over sin and death. When Jesus called his name, Lazarus was brought to life and came walking out of the tomb still wrapped in grave clothes! This miracle shows us that Jesus has power over death. That was important for Jesus’ first followers—and for us—to know. Soon after raising Lazarus from the grave, Jesus would die but then miraculously rise from the dead and leave His tomb on the third day. The death and resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate example of God’s power! The Bible says that the wages of sin is death. Sin has separated us from God. Just like Lazarus in the tomb, we are hopeless and cannot save ourselves. But God loved us so much that He sent Jesus—the One who has power over sin and death! He offers forgiveness for sinners and eternal life for those who are dead. According to Ephesians 2:5, anyone who believes in Jesus is “made alive in Christ”! 

When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, He showed that He has power over death. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Jesus died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead. He gives eternal life to those who trust in Him.

Prayer Time Ideas

  • Thank God for the miracles we see throughout the Bible. Focus on a different miracle each day. What does each miracle show us about Who God is and what He can do?

  • Praise God for the forgiveness of sin that is made possible through Jesus. What does it mean to confess sin and seek forgiveness? How has Jesus defeated sin and death?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Take turns wrapping family members in toilet tissue or large bedsheets to resemble Lazarus in the tomb. Use a stopwatch to see how quickly each person can unravel the “grave clothes” from their body. 

Supplies: toilet tissue or bed sheets, stopwatch

To Serve

Visit a cemetery to place flowers or to help clean the grounds. Discuss how death is a consequence of sin, but those who trust in Jesus do not have to fear death because He has power over it! 

Supplies: flowers, rakes, trash bags

An App Experience

If you would like the curriculum, video and music videos at your finger tips for your kids, download the Gospel Project App! You can download it for FREE on any device. Search LifeWay Kids and choose Gospel project Volume 9 Fall 2020. You will find coloring sheets, games and helpful ways to learn the memory verses.