Family Bible Time: Jesus' Hard Teachings — John 3

September 30th | Unit 25, Lesson 3

Family Bible Time Connections

Unit 25 Lesson 3

Read all or parts of John 6:22-71

Talk About Scripture

Have you ever heard the phrase, Never feed a stray cat? It’s so tempting to feed a cute little cat who doesn’t have a home, but if you feed one, you better have a lot of extra money because he will keep coming back for more food. And he might bring friends with him, too! But the real reason you should never feed a stray cat is because food is not the cat’s greatest need. More than just a meal, the cat needs a loving home with a family who will care for and protect him.

After Jesus fed thousands of people from just a small boy’s lunch, many of them followed Jesus with hopes that He would provide more food. The people were hungry, but Jesus wanted them to see that He offered something far better than more meals. Jesus told them that He is the bread of life. He promised that anyone who trusts in Him would never be hungry or thirsty again. Many of the people didn’t understand what Jesus meant. They were looking for a meal, but Jesus was offering them something so much better: the way to have eternal life. 

Jesus wanted to do more than fill people’s stomachs; He wanted to give them true life. Jesus’ teachings were hard to understand. When Jesus talked about His flesh and blood, He was talking about His death and resurrection. When we trust in Jesus, He gives us the gift of eternal life.

Prayer Time Ideas

  • Thank God for your favorite foods. Have you wondered why God gave us taste buds and so many great foods with different flavors? Which of these foods can you enjoy together this week?

  • Thank God for meeting the needs of your family. What are some of the everyday needs He has met? How has God met unexpected needs?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Search online for recipes to make homemade sweet bread, such as banana bread or cinnamon rolls. Allow each family member to lead part of the prep or cooking process. When the baking is complete, enjoy it together while you talk about this week’s Bible story.

Supplies: recipe, required ingredients

To Serve

Use the recipe you found for homemade bread to bake smaller loaves to give to your neighbors. Wrap the bread and attach a card with a personal message and Jesus’ words from John 6:35. 

Supplies: loaves of bread, foil or plastic wrap, cards

An App Experience

If you would like the curriculum, video and music videos at your finger tips for your kids, download the Gospel Project App! You can download it for FREE on any device. Search LifeWay Kids and choose Gospel project Volume 9 Fall 2020. You will find coloring sheets, games and helpful ways to learn the memory verses.