Family Bible Time: Kingdom Parables — Matthew 13

September 16th, 2020 | Unit 25, Lesson 1


Once a week, probably on Wednesdays, we will send out this Family Bible Connection through the C-Mail. You can use this tool as you desire, to help disciple your children, engage in conversations centered on God's word and to follow up on the Lesson from Sunday.

Enjoy your time together!

Meghan Heaton

Kids Ministry Director

Family Bible Time Connections

Unit 25 Lesson 1

Read the Scripture: Matthew 13:31-34,44-46 

Talk About Scripture

In 1989, a man shopping at a flea market in Adamstown, Pennsylvania found and purchased a framed painting for a grand total of $4. He didn’t care much for the painting but liked the frame, so it seemed to be a fair price. While inspecting his purchase, the torn canvas and old frame fell apart and revealed a small folded note inside the frame. What appeared only to be a small note was one of the original printings of the Declaration of Independence from 1776. It had been hidden and preserved for more than 200 years. This man didn’t quite get what he was expecting because his $4 purchase turned into a rare treasure that he later sold for $2.5 million.

This week, we learned that Jesus used stories, called parables, to help people understand what the kingdom of God is like. Many of the people who heard about Jesus expected Him to be a king Who would overthrow the Roman empire. They expected a great kingdom on Earth that would bring wealth and power to God’s people. But that’s not how Jesus described His kingdom. His kingdom would be sort of like the painting the man bought. It might not look impressive at first, but in time, everyone would see its true wonder.

In Matthew 13, Jesus compared the kingdom of God to things like a tiny mustard seed, a priceless pearl, and a hidden treasure. Jesus wanted those who could understand to see how the kingdom of God would begin small but grow and spread throughout the world. He also wanted them to see that knowing Him and belonging to this kingdom was far more valuable than anything else we might possess. While this type of kingdom wasn’t what the people expected, Jesus is the King of kings and He is growing the kingdom above all kingdoms!

The kingdom of God is growing in the world. This kingdom is valuable and worth giving everything for. While we wait for Jesus to return and fully set up His kingdom, we carry out the mission of telling others about King Jesus, who rescues sinners.

Prayer Time Ideas

  • Think about a friend or family member who needs to hear about Jesus. Ask God to give you the courage and opportunity to tell that person about King Jesus. 

  • Thank God for making us citizens of His kingdom which will one day be complete. What does it mean to be a citizen of heaven? How does it feel to know God’s kingdom will have no tears, no pain, and no death? 

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Draw names to choose a “King/Queen for the Day.” The selected family member will get to choose the foods you eat, activities for the day, and maybe even the TV show you watch. Draw a new name each day until everyone has a turn. At the end of each day, spend time talking about how our “kingdoms” differ from the kingdom of God. Remind kids that God’s kingdom is far greater than anything we could imagine! 

Supplies: Cup, slips of paper with names of family members, optional: paper crown

To Serve

As a family, learn a worship song in another language or visit another culture’s worship service in-person or online. Talk about how this experience is a reminder that the kingdom of God is growing and spreading throughout the world. Consider sending an encouraging card and an offering to support the church you visit. Celebrate that the kingdom of God is growing in the world! 

Supplies: card, offering for the visited church

An App Experience

The Gospel Project for Kids Family App: The Family App is available FREE for Android and iOS devices and can be downloaded by the app store of their choice. Once you download the free reader, choose to download the content for each quarter. (Volume Fall 2020) The Family App includes the preschool and kids versions of the Bible story videos, audio versions of the Key Passage and Unit Theme songs, and several learning activities and games, including digital coloring pages.