Family Bible Time: Creation Glorifies God

Unit 1 Session 3

Creation Glorifies God

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Psalm 19 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

God created all of this—everything—out of nothing. The Sun, moon, stars, planets, and everything we can see on Earth—He created all of it. And He created it so that we could see His awesomeness and worship Him. In Psalm 19, David reminds us that the heavens and the skies are showing us the glory of God. They are shouting out a message to the whole world that there is a Creator God and He is big, He is powerful, He is creative, and He is awesome! 

God’s glory can be seen all around us through the world that He created, but there’s an even greater way we see God’s awesomeness. Romans 5:8 says, “But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” The awesome God who created this huge universe loves you. He loves you enough that he would send Jesus to save sinners and offer eternal life to all who believe in Him. 

All of creation displays the glory of God—how great He is—although not perfectly. The perfect revelation of God’s glory is found in Jesus, who came to show us exactly what God is like. Because Jesus is God, He is the perfect display of God’s glory. 

Prayer Time

Praise God for the sun that rose this morning and how it displays His glory. How can the sun rising every morning remind us of God’s faithfulness? What else can we learn about God from creation?

Worship God for the moon and stars at night and how they too display His glory. How can lights in the night sky remind us that God sent Jesus as a light into the darkness?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Download an app to help your family study the stars and planets. As you learn about galaxies, constellations, and planets, take time to worship God for this display of His glory. Talk about how Jesus is an even greater display of God’s glory because He shows us exactly what God is like. 

To Serve

Plan a neighborhood “night-out party” with s’mores and popcorn. Provide binoculars or telescopes, or help others locate and install a constellation guide app to enjoy the glory of God on display. 

Supplies: party food, constellation guides for your region, binoculars or telescopes