Family Bible Time: God Created People

Unit 1 Session 2

God Created People

Family Bible Time Connection

Read all or parts of Genesis 1:26-31 and 2:15-25 from your Bible

Talk About Scripture

More than half—56% to be exact—of adults in the United States still have their favorite stuffed animal from childhood. The love for these cotton-filled animals is so great that many adults still sleep with them! When we love a stuffed animal, we take extra special care of it and we want to have it near us at all times. Do you have a favorite stuffed animal?

As a child might choose a teddy bear to be his favorite, God made people and loved them more than any other part of His creation. Because He loved Adam and Eve, God took special care of them by providing food from the trees and a river for water. He gave them everything they needed.

Most importantly, God showed His love for people by creating them to have a relationship with Him. God walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the garden. God created people to know Him and love Him forever. Even when sin broke this relationship, God would show how much He loves people by sending Jesus to make a way for us to be with Him again.

God created people in His own image and provides for everything He made. People are special because God made people to live forever in a relationship with Him. Through His Son, Jesus, we can have eternal life with God just as He planned.


Prayer Time

Ask God to help you see others as people created in His image. If everyone is created in God’s image, how should we treat others? How does God’s love for people help us to love others? 

Thank God for providing everything we need. How does God’s creation provide what we need to live? How does His creation provide what we need to know Him?

Actively Apply the Scripture

For Fun

Make a collage from images of different people found in magazines, newspapers, or the Internet. Talk about how each person is unique, and God loves every person and wants to have a relationship with everyone. 

To Serve

Read Psalm 139:14 to your family and talk about what it means to be fearfully and wonderfully made. Take turns giving compliments to one another about how God has created them to reflect His beauty and His goodness.