God Gave the People the Land - Joshua 7-11

God Defeated Jericho - Joshua 7-11

Joshua’s name means “The Lord is salvation.” God fought for Joshua and the Israelites, saving them and giving them victory over their enemies. Sinners can look to God for victory over sin and death.


(Preschool - Kindergarten)

Bible Builders and Crosswalkers

(1st - 5th grades)

Sing along with the Bible Verse Songs Playlist from Units 6, 7, and 8!

Family Worship:

Read all or parts of Joshua 7 - 11 from your Bible or watch the Bible story video.

Talk About Scripture:

Derek Redmond was ready to run the 400-meter race at the 1992 Olympic Games. He was one of the favorites to win the race. Halfway through the race, Derek fell to the ground with an injured hamstring that made it impossible to run. He stood up and attempted to limp toward the finish line. Derek’s father, Jim, came from the crowd, lifted his son on his shoulder, and helped him finish the race. When he needed it the most, Derek’s father was there to help.

God had promised victory for the Israelite army. As Joshua and the Israelites fought the five kings’ armies, the Lord was with them. And when they needed it the most, God was there to help. When Joshua prayed, God made the sun stand still and allowed the Israelites to conquer the enemy armies. Like a father who comes to help his children, God fought for His people and gave them the land He had promised.

Joshua’s name means “The LORD is salvation.” God fought for Joshua and the Israelites, saving them, and giving them victory over their enemies. Sinners can look to God for victory over sin and death. God brought us salvation by sending His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross and rise again.

Learn Scripture:

Family Prayer:

Thank God for the people who help you and care for you. Ask God to help you show appreciation for the ways they serve you today. How has God met your needs through the help of others? How is this a sign of His love for you?

Ask God to remind you of His power to do what might seem impossible. What thoughts did you have about God when you read of His miracle to help Joshua? How does this story show us His power over creation?

For Fun:

Take your family on an outing to a place where you can get a good view of the sunset (or sunrise). As you take in the beauty of the changing sun, talk about how God fought for His people by making the sun stand still. Remind kids that God is in control of everything, and we can find comfort in knowing we can trust Him.

Guide each family member to come up with a way she can serve another family member this week. It could be making their lunch, doing their chores, cleaning their room, etc. Remind each family member that these acts of service for one another are just small reminders of how God loves and helps His people. The greatest example of this is Jesus, who came to serve and lay down His life as the perfect sacrifice for our sins.