The Bible Helps Us Live For God - 2 Timothy 3

God Encouraged Joshua - 2 Timothy 3

The Bible tells us about God’s plan to forgive sinners through His Son, Jesus. Jesus always obeyed God’s Word. Like Jesus, we can read, believe, and obey the Bible as we live to give God glory.


(Preschool - Kindergarten)

Bible Builders and Crosswalkers

(1st - 5th grades)

Sing along with the Bible Verse Songs Playlist from Units 6, 7, and 8!

Family Worship:

Read all or parts of 2 Timothy 3 from your Bible or watch the Bible story video.

Talk About Scripture:

To be best prepared for an emergency or disaster situation, the American Red Cross suggests every family constructs a survival kit. The list of items for a survival kit includes a 2-week supply of food and water, first aid kit, flashlight, batteries, and emergency blankets. These and other suggested items for the kit can help your family make it through emergency situations.

In his letter, Paul reminded his friend Timothy that the Bible is like a survival kit that contains everything we need to live for Jesus! Paul encouraged Timothy to remember everything he had learned from the Scriptures. Even when people persecuted Timothy, the Bible would give him strength to honor God and tell others about Jesus. 

The Bible contains everything we need to know Him. Best of all, it tells us how much He loves us and how He sent His Son to save us from our sin! Paul’s letter to Timothy reminds us that the Bible has everything we need to believe in Jesus, to obey Him, and to share Him with others.

Paul wrote to teach Timothy how to live for God. The Bible tells us about God’s plan for people to have forgiveness through His Son, Jesus. Jesus obeyed God’s Word perfectly. We can follow Jesus’ example to read, believe, and obey the Bible as we live for God’s glory.

Learn Scripture:

Family Prayer:

Praise God for the Bible and everything it teaches us about who He is. Thank Him for giving us His words to teach us how to live for His glory. How does the Bible describe God? What are some of His attributes that we see in Scripture?

Ask God for the discipline to read the Bible, the wisdom to understand what you read, and the strength to obey what it commands. What time in your day can you dedicate to reading God’s Word?

For Fun:

Enjoy a dessert of fruit and dips like honey or chocolate sauce. Read Psalm 119:103-105. Remind kids that God’s Word is a gift to us, and it is for our good. We can delight in the Bible because it tells us who God is and how He saves sinners through Jesus.

Choose a verse or passage of Scripture for your family to memorize. Use motions, flash cards, or memory games to help the entire family memorize the selected verses. Challenge another family in your church or neighborhood to do the same. Eat dinner together and ask each family to recite the verse they memorized.