Acts 28: Week of 4/16

April’s memory verse:

"Therefore let it be known to you that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles; they will listen." — Acts 28:28

Acts Chapter 28:

The circumstances of Paul's voyage to Rome are far different from any of his other voyages. In his previous voyages, he was a free man, but this time he is a prisoner to the Romans. However, his circumstances don't change his actions. In the last chapter of Acts, on the island of Malta, we see Paul remain calm and steadfast. He continues to trust the Lord and is not shaken by the snake bite he receives. If the Lord promised him he would go to Rome, why would he die of a snake bite? This is the faith that cast out all fear.

Although the natives of Malta call him a god, Paul simply made himself ready and available for the Lord to work through him. After 3 months on Malta, they set sail for Rome. Upon arrival, after settling into his single guarded room, Paul calls the leaders of the Jews together and discovers that his story is not known here. The word of his arrest has not traveled before him. Intrigued by the details, they set up a time to hear him speak. Many come to hear Paul continue to testify to the Kingdom of God. As he points to the prophets and the law of Moses, is he able to convince them about Jesus? Is there anything that could hinder Paul from his purpose? Is there anything that could keep the Gospel of Jesus Christ from being heard?

Here are a few application questions from this chapter to ponder this week:

  • How do you think the people of Malta understood justice, given the way they viewed Paul? How do some people even in today’s society tend to view tragic events or unfortunate circumstances? Who is blamed?

  • How did the Holy Spirit display His power through Paul?

  • In what ways did God show favor and blessings over Paul in spite of all of the hardships he endured? Can you see God’s favor in your life when you’ve walked through difficult times?

If you need a quick synopsis of the events in the previous chapter, keep scrolling.

Summary of Chapter 27:

  • The crew sets sail to Italy.

  • In verse 3 we see that Paul, though a prisoner, is granted leave to see his friends.

  • The voyage across the open seas becomes increasingly dangerous.

  • Paul warns the men, but they do not listen.

  • A tempestuous wind forces them to be "driven along" and go where the wind takes them.

  • All hope to be saved is abandoned and the crew is desperate.

  • An angel of the Lord visits Paul and tells him not to be afraid and to take heart.

  • At daybreak, they see a beach that would make a good place to run the ship ashore.

  • The crew and prisoners stay in the ship until it hits a reef, they jump ship and eventually come ashore, where they are safe on land.

Acts 27: Week of 4/9

April’s memory verse:

"Therefore let it be known to you that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles; they will listen." — Acts 28:28

Acts Chapter 27:

We left off our study in Chapter 26 a couple weeks ago with Paul attending his hearing before King Agrippa and Festus. And now we are setting sail to Rome!

Paul issues a warning early on in the chapter and for a very good reason! This is not the time to set sail! The waters are treacherous and the storms are sudden. We see these professional sailors try all the tricks in the book, and eventually, they lose hope. They are desperate. They have come to the end of trying to save themselves and are in despair. It is at this moment that Paul can speak and they have ears to truly hear. He tells them that the Angel of the God he belongs to, whom he worships, has declared, "Take heart, for there will be no loss of life among you." Do the passengers have faith to believe that what God says will come to be? Despite the rough seas, the soldiers and sailors and Paul's company are encouraged to remain in the boat. They break their fast, have a meal together, and prepare for the journey ahead. It is a tumultuous trip across the Adriatic Sea, that ends with a collision in a reef. And yet, we are still far from Rome! However, we only have ONE chapter left! How will we make it?

Here are a few application questions from this chapter to ponder this week:

  • How did God reassure Paul that they would survive the storm and shipwreck? How does Paul reassure the crew?

  • Has God given you a promise or assurance in the midst of a stormy season in your life? If so, has it been fulfilled yet?

  • Sometimes we have to cut the ropes and release what we think will save us or give us security so we can depend fully on God to be our provider and Savior. Mediate on verse 32 and journal or share with someone else what you have had to cut loose in your life in order to focus more fully on God.

If you need a quick synopsis of the events in the previous chapter, keep scrolling.

Summary of Chapter 26:

  • Paul stands before King Agrippa and makes his defense for all the accusations against him.

  • Paul tells of his conversion, and within his story, shares the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Festus interrupts Paul and claims he is out of his mind and speaking gibberish.

  • Paul turns to King Agrippa and asks, "Do you believe?"

  • King Agrippa is not persuaded, but he does say that this man could be set free if he had not already appealed to Caesar.

  • Paul is headed to Rome...