Acts 3: Week of 9/25

September’s memory verse:

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Acts 2:42

Summary of chapters 1-2:

When we open up the book of Acts, we find ourselves in the middle of a story. After Luke wrote his gospel account (Luke) about all that Jesus began to do and teach until the day when he was taken up, he provides us with part two, the rest of the story. This is the book of Acts.

Jesus, after having risen from the dead, comes back to the disciples and presents Himself to them with many proofs for forty days! As they inquire about when He will restore the kingdom of God, He tells them it is not for them to know when. However, He does promise them that they will receive power and be equipped to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. While the eleven disciples wait patiently, they are devoted to prayer. To fulfill the scriptures, and to replace Judas, they cast lots and Matthias joined them as an apostle, one who had witnessed the resurrection and spent time with Jesus. In Chapter two, the day of Pentecost has arrived and when they were gathered in one place, the Holy Spirit rests upon and fills each of them with power from on high. It is with this power that Peter stands up and addresses the Jews and all who lived in Jerusalem to give witness to Jesus and exhort the crowds. Those who received his word were baptized and 3,000 souls were saved. As Chapter two ends, the fellowship of believers is quite devoted to prayer, the apostles teaching, and the breaking of bread. They give generously, both of their earthly belongings and of their praise to God. They found favor with the people and every day more and more were added to their number. From Acts 1:8, Jesus has given them the purpose: to be His witnesses, and the plan: starting in Jerusalem, then Judea, Samaria and finally to the ends of the earth. This is where we find ourselves today. It is the same for us. This same Holy Spirit has given us the same purpose and the same plan. By the power of the Holy Spirit in us, the witness continues today to the ends of the earth.

Looking ahead at Chapter 3:

Chapter three gives us our first glimpse and an awe into one of the many signs and wonders that were done through the apostles. As you read about Peter and John and the lame beggar, take special note at the message that Peter delivers in explanation for the miracle.

Interactive Reflection Questions