Running on Empty: Spiritual Disciplines - Wk 7

Running on Empty: Spiritual Disciplines - Wk 7

February 24, 2019 | Kyle Brenon | Proverbs 27:17, 2 Corinthians 5:20, Colossians 3:14

This week we wrap up our sermon series “Running on Empty” as we have been looking at the importance of spiritual disciplines on the lives of believers. Throughout our series we have seen that one consequence of letting our spiritual tanks run dry is that we begin to struggle and sputter in our walk with the Lord. In this final week we look at two more spiritual disciplines that are often overlooked, especially when we begin operating in our own strength. These disciplines are fellowship and outreach. 

As we commit ourselves to these disciplines, we need to remember the thread that ties them all together are the relationships we build, and the one relationship that defines all our relationships is the one we have with Christ.

Running on Empty: Spiritual Disciplines - Wk 6

Running on Empty: Spiritual Disciplines - Wk 6

February 17, 2019 | Kyle Brenon | John 9:24-27

This week we continue in our sermon series “Running on Empty” as we look at the importance of spiritual disciplines in the lives of believers. This Sunday our focus will be on the spiritual discipline of “outreach.” Sharing our faith with others may not seem like a spiritual discipline at first, but it is a vital part of our overall growth as believers. When we share our faith, we strengthen our faith. 

Often the thought of sharing Christ can be quite intimidating, but it really shouldn’t be as it is not our job to do the convincing! In John 9 we see the amazing story of a blind man with no training and no experience at all being chosen and used by God to bring the gospel to the “religious elite.” So often we underestimate what God can do through us when our eyes have been opened!

Running on Empty: Spiritual Disciplines - Wk 5

Running on Empty: Spiritual Disciplines - Wk 5

February 10, 2019 | Jonathan Yakel | 1 Peter 4:10-11

This week we continue in our series “Running on Empty” as we look at the spiritual discipline of serving.  Spiritual gifts manifest themselves in many ways, but we are all called to serve. Just like studying scripture, praying, and worship, we are designed to serve each other.   

We will look at how serving others fills our tank when our motivations are pure and how it can be exhausting when our hearts are not in the right place. There is a wide range of actions that we define as serving but all are pointless if not for the glory of God. 1 Peter 4:10-11 reminds us that it is through His strength that we are able to minister to others. 

Running on Empty: Spiritual Disciplines - Wk 4

Running on Empty: Spiritual Disciplines - Wk 4

February 3, 2019 | Kyle Brenon | John 4:16-26

This week we continue in our series “Running on Empty” as we look at the spiritual discipline of worship. Many times, when we think of worship we tend to think of music. More than just that, we think of a particular style of music. Perhaps we think of worship as a chunk of time we carve out on Sunday morning? Maybe it’s an activity, or something we put on our schedule to participate in? Then, when it’s over we go home. 

It is certainly fair to count these activities as acts of worship. They serve as a valuable part of what we do as believers, but they do not even come close to encompassing all that God intends for us when Jesus says to "Worship the Father in spirit and in truth." Like prayer, worship is more than an activity we participate in, it is a lifestyle. This lifestyle takes shape as we live out Romans 12:1-2 and remember we are called to be living sacrifices!

Running on Empty: Spiritual Disciplines - Wk 3

Running on Empty: Spiritual Disciplines - Wk 3

January 27, 2019 | Kyle Brenon | Hebrews 4:14-16

This week we continue with part 3 of our sermon series “Running on Empty.” Each one of us can point to so many things in our lives that all contribute to draining our spiritual gas tanks. As we have already seen, we need to be intentional about checking our gas gauge and keeping our tank full.

In order to do this, along with spending time in God’s word regularly, one of the most important spiritual disciplines for us to have is a strong commitment to prayer.  Unfortunately, when things get busy, life gets crazy, and our stress levels rise, prayer can be one of the first things to be neglected. Why is it that when prayer is needed the most, it can be the hardest thing to do? If we are going to keep the tank full and continue walking in the Spirit rather than in the flesh, being connected to God through prayer is absolutely essential! 

Running on Empty: Spiritual Disciplines - Wk 2

Running on Empty: Spiritual Disciplines - Wk 2

January 20, 2019 | Kyle Brenon | 1 Timothy 3:16-17

This week we continue with our new sermon series “Running on Empty.” As we saw last week, we often forget to even check our spiritual gas gauge, and when we do check it, we may not even know how to read it. If we aren’t intentional about filling our tank, it won’t be long before we run dry, and we find ourselves trying to live out our faith in our own power.  

Running on Empty: Spiritual Disciplines - Wk 1

Running on Empty: Spiritual Disciplines - Wk 1

January 6, 2019 | Kyle Brenon | 1 Timothy 4:1-10

Have you ever been driving down the road and run out of gas? It usually happens at night, on a dark deserted road when you’re all alone! We never expect to run out of gas, it always sneaks up on us. This is because when we know we are running low on fuel we don’t have to be convinced of the importance of filling our tank. Our focus turns to getting ourselves to the nearest gas station as quickly as possible, even if we have to double back. Why do we often forget to fill our spiritual gas tank? Why do we often find ourselves on empty?



December 30, 2018 | Jake Mitchell | Psalm 150:1-2

As we come to the close of the year, many of us take time to reflect on our past year and resolve for the upcoming year. Oftentimes, in our reflecting and resolving, we focus on different practices that need to be changed or continued as we move into the new year. While this is important, God is calling us deeper. During this time of ends and beginnings, let us shift our focus from examining practices to asking God to examine something much deeper–the posture of our heart. One prime thing that sheds light onto the posture of our heart is asking God to examine the state of our PRAISE.

1 Praise the Lord! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! 2 Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! Psalm 150:1-2

Prepare Him Room: Wk 3

Prepare Him Room: Wk 3

December 23, 2018 | Kyle Brenon | Colossians 1:15-20

This Sunday we wrap up our three-week Christmas series “Prepare Him Room” and our prayer has been that we have all been able to do just that. As we have quickly been approaching Christmas with all the busyness, planning and perhaps a little distraction, hopefully we have also found some time to slow down and contemplate the magnitude of what it all means. When we really stop and think about the birth of Christ, The God of all creation stepping into humanity to walk among us, it is a truth that should do far more than give us “warm fuzzies.” This is a truth that should rock our foundation and not just inform the way we see Christmas, but the way we see EVERYTHING, every single day!

Prepare Him Room: Wk 2

Prepare Him Room: Wk 2

December 16, 2018 | Kyle Brenon | Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18

This Sunday we continue in our three-week Christmas series, “Prepare Him Room.” As the Christmas season speeds up, and the big day approaches, it seems each day is getting shorter and shorter. As we try all the harder to slow ourselves down and make room to celebrate Christ, the more the activities and responsibilities seem to pile up. The truth is though, it's not the activities, or the parties or the crazy expectations that are to blame. It’s this strange need we feel to do something other than simply celebrate the coming of the promised Messiah. As if it needed to be dressed up and made to be “More Magical.”