The Gospel Project

God is Good to Give Mercy - Luke 18

God is Good to Give Mercy - Luke 18

October 2nd, 2022 | Unit 12 - Lesson 4

God is Good to Give Mercy - Luke 18

The tax collector knew he needed God to forgive him, and he cried out to God. Everyone is a sinner who needs God’s mercy and forgiveness. Jesus took the punishment for our sin by dying on the cross. We can cry out to God like the tax collector and because of Jesus, God will have mercy on us.

Solomon's Sin Divided the Kingdom - 1 Kings 10-12

Solomon's Sin Divided the Kingdom - 1 Kings 10-12

September 25th, 2022 | Unit 12 - Lesson 3

Solomon’s Sin Divided the Kingdom - 1 Kings 10-12

King Solomon’s sin led to the division of the kingdom. God’s people needed a better king. Through David’s family, God would send His own Son, Jesus, to be a perfect King over God’s people forever. Jesus is greater than Solomon. Jesus brings His people together and leads them back to God.

Solomon Built the Temple - 1 Kings 6-9

Solomon Built the Temple - 1 Kings 6-9

September 18th, 2022 | Unit 12 - Lesson 2

Solomon Built the Temple - 1 Kings 6-9

The temple was a place where God met with His people. The people could go there to make sacrifices and worship God. Today, when we trust in Jesus, He is with us wherever we go. We can look to Him for forgiveness and help.

God Gave Solomon Wisdom - 1 Kings 2-3

God Gave Solomon Wisdom - 1 Kings 2-3

September 11th, 2022 | Unit 12 - Lesson 1

God Gave Solomon Wisdom - 1 Kings 2-3

Solomon was a wise king who wanted to do God’s plan. Solomon wasn’t perfect, but God had a plan to give His people a greater and wiser king—His Son, Jesus. Jesus completely trusted God. Jesus surrendered His own life to die on the cross for our sin.

God is Good to Give Grace - Psalm 51

God is Good to Give Grace - Psalm 51

September 4th, 2022 | Unit 11 - Lesson 5

God is Good to Give Grace - Psalm 51

David confessed his sin and asked God to change his heart so that he would not want to sin again. When we realize our sin, we can confess to God and ask for His forgiveness. Jesus covers our guilt and changes our hearts so we can have life with Him forever.

David Sinned and Was Forgiven - 2 Samuel 11-12

David Sinned and Was Forgiven - 2 Samuel 11-12

August 28th, 2022 | Unit 11 - Lesson 4

David Sinned and Was Forgiven - 2 Samuel 11-12

When David repented of his sin, God forgave him, but sin always comes with a price. God spared David’s life, but David’s son died. When we sin, we deserve death. But we can receive God’s forgiveness because God sent His Son, Jesus, to pay the price for our sin.

God Made a Covenant with David - 2 Samuel 6-7

God Made a Covenant with David - 2 Samuel 6-7

August 21st, 2022 | Unit 11 - Lesson 3

God Made a Covenant with David - 2 Samuel 6-7

God promised David that future kings of Israel would come from David’s family, and David’s kingdom would last forever. God kept His promise by sending His Son, Jesus, as one of David’s descendants. Jesus is our King who will rule over God’s people forever.

David Fought Goliath - 1 Samuel 17

David Fought Goliath - 1 Samuel 17

August 14th, 2022 | Unit 11 - Lesson 2

David Fought Goliath - 1 Samuel 17

The Israelites were not strong enough to fight Goliath, the mighty Philistine warrior, on their own. God gave David the power to defeat Goliath. David reminds us of Jesus, who came to save us from our greatest enemies: sin and death. Jesus, the ultimate hero, saves us from our sin and gives us eternal; David was the youngest in his family, but God saw David’s heart for the Lord. When Jesus came to earth, He seemed like a surprising choice for a king. Jesus is the perfect King who saves us from our sin and reigns forever.

God Chose David to Be King - 1 Samuel 16

God Chose David to Be King - 1 Samuel 16

August 7th, 2022 | Unit 11 - Lesson 1

God Chose David to Be King - 1 Samuel 16

Samuel anointed David, setting him apart to be the next king. God’s choice for Israel’s king was surprising; David was the youngest in his family, but God saw David’s heart for the Lord. When Jesus came to earth, He seemed like a surprising choice for a king. Jesus is the perfect King who saves us from our sin and reigns forever.

God is Good to Judge Sin - Genesis 18

God is Good to Judge Sin - Genesis 18

July 24th, 2022 | Unit 10 - Lesson 4

God is Good to Judge Sin - Genesis 18

God is good to judge sin. He is the Judge of all the earth, and He always does what is right. God will punish the guilty. The good news of the gospel is that Jesus took the punishment our sin deserves, and everyone who trusts in Him is declared righteous before God.

God Made Saul King - 1 Samuel 11

God Made Saul King - 1 Samuel 11

July 10th, 2022 | Unit 10 - Lesson 2

God Made Saul King - 1 Samuel 11

God chose Saul to be the Israelites’ king. With God’s help, Saul brought the Israelites together to defeat their enemy. God sent His Son, Jesus, to be our King forever. Jesus brings together everyone who trusts in Him and gives us victory over sin and death.

Israel Demanded a King - 1 Samuel 8-10

Israel Demanded a King - 1 Samuel 8-10

July 3th, 2022 | Unit 10 - Lesson 1

Israel Demanded a King- 1 Samuel 8 - 10

God intended for a heavenly king to rule over Israel, but the Israelites did not trust God’s plan. They wanted a king like the nations around them. God had a better plan: to eventually send His Son, Jesus, to be the perfect King forever.

Eli's Sons Disobeyed God - 1 Samuel 4-6

Eli's Sons Disobeyed God - 1 Samuel 4-6

June 12th, 2022 | Unit 9 - Lesson 5

Eli’s Sons Disobeyed God - 1 Samuel 4-6

The ark of God reminded the Israelites that God was with them. Many years later, God gave His people something even better to remind them that He was with them. God sent His Son, Jesus. One of Jesus’ names is Immanuel, which means “God with us.”