For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” Mt 18:20.
Join us, September 16th - 18th as we gather for two nights together!
You will notice that it does not say that we are going on a retreat. Retreating has its benefits, and there is a time and a place for a retreat. Most of us have been on some sort of retreat in the past. However, the more I think about the word retreat, images like relaxing by the fire, laying on the beach, and even hiking in the woods come to mind. For others, it may be a spa day or a getaway with a good book. Retreats say, "leave life now and come away for a break".
Here is what google says when I type in "what is a retreat?"
"Retreat is the act of giving up and withdrawing or a time away in a quiet and secluded place where you can relax. An example of a retreat is when a military force gives up their efforts to gain land and goes home. An example of a retreat is a weekend at a spa where you go to rest and relax."
This is not a retreat. We are not giving up and withdrawing, we are firing up.
This is a gathering.
God desires to gather His people for His purpose. He also desires to dwell with us and in us. This time together will be a springboard for our study this year in the book of Acts. We will be actively spending time reading, studying, reflecting, and discussing chapters one and two of Acts, which we will then continue through this year. We are at battle, and the Lord has called us to gather for His sake, for His purpose, and for His Word and Gospel to go forth. In Acts, we see His purpose and His plan. We are called to join Him and to be His witnesses to the end of the earth. There is no retreating. We can't leave this mission behind. We can't just drop it and take off for a weekend. And, even worse, we can't just pick it up and do it for one weekend. We have to embrace it and live it always! This Christian life and serving Jesus is our call- it is our mission. He is gathering us for work. At Cedar Ranch Retreat center in Culpepper, Va we will spend quality time together with the Lord and one another. To get the most out of the study of Acts this year, you really want to attend this gathering. However, if for some reason you are not able to attend, or you can not attend on Friday but you can come on Saturday, you will not be left out. On September 11th at 5:00 pm at the church, we will provide a "mini gathering" that will equip you in our study of Acts.
So, now that you have the reason for the gathering, you probably want some specific details! I can understand that. I mean, what exactly are you signing up for?
Cedar Ranch is a large home that is used as a retreat center. Though it is a house, it has the capacity to hold up to 40 women. The bedrooms all have clean comfortable single beds. Most of them are bunked, but others are not. You will provide your own sheet and pillow. There is a large kitchen and space for us to gather together in small groups. Outside, the property has much to offer. Behind the house, there is a large tent where we plan to gather on Friday and Saturday evenings. There is a pond, a walking path, a pool, and a lot of places to spend time alone with the Lord.
Arrival is between 5:00 pm and 5:45 pm on Friday evening.
Dinner will be served at 6:00 pm.
The Gathering will begin at 7:00 pm.
Saturday we will start our day by spending time alone digging deep into Acts. Then we will be gathering in groups to discuss the scripture. We will conclude the weekend with a time of prayer and worship together on Saturday Night.
Sunday morning we will grab a quick breakfast and head out by 8:30 am in time to worship with CrossWay for Sunday Service.
Included in the weekend are all of your meals, and sleeping arrangements, a study guide to assist your digging into scripture, and a journaling book specific for Acts. The cost for the weekend is $150. On the registration form, at first glance, it looks as if it is free. It is not free 😀 unless you desire financial assistance. In that case, CrossWay can support you. You will understand what I mean when you walk through the sign-up process.
As most of you know, I need ALL the parts of the body to help me process and communicate the details. ( You can smile here! ) If there is something that I have not communicated, please let me know so that I can add it to the website or in future emails. Perhaps I have left out details that would help you more.
You can sign up by clicking on the sign-up link below!
I look forward to Gathering with you!
Meghan Heaton
CrossWay Women's Ministry Director