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Women's Retreat: Ekklesia—Called Out

What is Ekklesia? Ekklesia is a fellowship of believers, called out of the world and called into the Kingdom.  Simply put, Ekklesia is the Church.

This January, we will have an intimate opportunity to be Ekklesia. Join your sisters for a weekend away for one common purpose: to live and serve God our King. We have been looking closely at what it means to be Kingdom-Minded individuals in the Kingdom of God. How are we being called out to serve our King in His Kingdom? In what ways are we in awe of our God? 1 Kings 18:39 says, "When all the people saw it [the power of the Lord] they fell on their faces; and they said, 'The Lord, He is God; the LORD, He is God.'" 

Unified as Ekklesia, we will spend a weekend away full of teaching, encouragement, fellowship, and building up of the body of Christ.