You may drop off donations for the Georgetown South community school drive at the church in the foyer on any Sunday between July 23rd - August 13th or at the church office on Wednesday: 9:00am - 1:00pm | Thursday: 9:00am - 5:00pm | Friday: 9:00am - 1:00pm until August 11th. CrossWay will deliver all donations to the community center.
Crayons usually the 24 ct kind
Washable Markers wide and narrow 8 and 16 ct.
Safety Scissors
Pencil Top erasers
Pink bar erasers
Marble composition notebooks
One subject notebooks
Three subject notebooks
Wide ruled loose-leaf paper
Highlighters all colors
Blue, Black and Red pens
#2 pencils
Pencil boxes
Pencil pouches
Glue Sticks
Glue Bottles