Prepare Him Room

Prepare Him Room: Wk 3

Prepare Him Room: Wk 3

December 23, 2018 | Kyle Brenon | Colossians 1:15-20

This Sunday we wrap up our three-week Christmas series “Prepare Him Room” and our prayer has been that we have all been able to do just that. As we have quickly been approaching Christmas with all the busyness, planning and perhaps a little distraction, hopefully we have also found some time to slow down and contemplate the magnitude of what it all means. When we really stop and think about the birth of Christ, The God of all creation stepping into humanity to walk among us, it is a truth that should do far more than give us “warm fuzzies.” This is a truth that should rock our foundation and not just inform the way we see Christmas, but the way we see EVERYTHING, every single day!

Prepare Him Room: Wk 2

Prepare Him Room: Wk 2

December 16, 2018 | Kyle Brenon | Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18

This Sunday we continue in our three-week Christmas series, “Prepare Him Room.” As the Christmas season speeds up, and the big day approaches, it seems each day is getting shorter and shorter. As we try all the harder to slow ourselves down and make room to celebrate Christ, the more the activities and responsibilities seem to pile up. The truth is though, it's not the activities, or the parties or the crazy expectations that are to blame. It’s this strange need we feel to do something other than simply celebrate the coming of the promised Messiah. As if it needed to be dressed up and made to be “More Magical.”

Prepare Him Room: Wk 1

Prepare Him Room: Wk 1

December 9, 2018 | Kyle Brenon | Isaiah 7:14

Christmas is coming! 

There is no slowing it down as it will be here in no time. For many of us, this time of year is exciting! The lights, the decorations, the chill in the air, even the music (Yes… I am one of those people who breaks out the Christmas music in November… #noshame). For some of us, this time of year can be quite difficult. It could be the stress of the season, the fear of unmet expectations, or the memories of loved ones who won’t be here to share it with us this time around. No matter who we are though, the Christmas season is a little different than any other season.